[OC] NBA All Stars 2020 Visualized (Place of Birth, Age, Appearances)
Useless Maps: Lengte Gemeentenamen Nederland (2234x1244px)
How Successful is Succession?
What class to play next? I let 15 years of WoW data decide for me.
ChatGPT werkt iets te goed 😢
Zakken uit de ramen bij het Botel, Noord
Thoughts on Ralph Fiennes?
Auto-advies voor de langere autorijder
Wat zijn Nederlandse zinnen of woorden die je niet uit kan staan?
What’s a phrase or word that you can’t stand hearing?
Art Director here to answer your questions AMA
Ik ben Frans Timmermans, lijsttrekker van GroenLinks-PvdA. Ask me anything!
Bernie Sanders ticket
What's a dead giveaway that someone is a piece of shit?
What has gotten now too expensive that you don't buy it anymore/buy it less?
setup with consoles
You have been hired by the government to anger as many people as possible. You can however change or introduce only one thing. What would you do?
Gamers of Reddit, what are your personal favourite videogame music tracks or songs?
What show has no likable characters?
First draft of my world I made for my dnd games: Realik. Looking for feedback and criticism!
Wat is jullie favoriete gewone woord dat je gebruikt als scheldwoord of om een negatieve betekenis te geven?
What nicknames have you heard for suburbs of Amsterdam, or surrounding towns?
West German cities to go to on a weekend trip with a group of friends
Detroit Deep Dish Pizza in Amsterdam?
Makkelijke vegetarische gerechten voor dagelijks?