Slimmer face?
Do I tell someone they aren't vegan like they think they are?
Fat Transfer to Breasts - Drop and Fluff
Deciding to only date vegans
Where are you folks buying GOOD bras?
Recommendations for vegan ramen?
Fat transfer to hips / hip dips - 5.5 months post op
What are some conversations killers or things that make you lose interest?
5 weeks post-op round 2 fat transfer to breasts
Thinking About a Boob Job—What’s the Honest Truth? Any Regrets?
6 months post op: fat transfer to the breasts
too tall for fat transfer to breasts?
Why are certain people recommended for me?
How long would you wait for someone to show up for a date?
If you’ve had a fat transfer to breasts, do you regret not getting implants?
Which jeans look best?
Fat transfer to the breasts and hips - 6 weeks post op
When do you tell somebody you're dating about your Bipolar?
Oh man...
I lost the love of my life 2 years ago and I’ve never been the same since
Just made my profile, any feedback?
“Vegan” boyfriend lied about being vegan
How do you answer this prompt?