Reached Legendary in MP by just playing everyday bot invite.
How many shards on Ak117 do you Have?
Opening 130 Power Nova camo crates!
Am I the only one getting consistent shards
Got lucky with a silver crate coupon.
Why TF unemployed lobby in ffa???
There are very good weapons that are really popular, but what is a heavily underrated gun that you use consistently?
What methods count towards flyswatter?
Pauline Chalamet & Amrit Kaur - The Sex Lives of College Girls (S01, E02)
Just got to the Legendary in Battle Royale!
Reached GM 3 and got her.
Reddit Hater leading the BR leader board with 56 average kills!
Can i still get it
Completed the gold camos for all the sniper rifles!
Which fish fry were these little red one's?
I can swear they are programmed to do this
The highest ranking points number I’ve ever archived!
Why did they remove the Krai map??
Got the Contact Grenade!
Total CP number for choose your discount?
Tahquamenon Falls (UP Michigan)
Doovili Falls, Sri Lanka
Which BP vault or Draws?
Unnamed cascade from Sri Lanka