How accurate do you usually tune your guitar? Sharp green line or nearby is fine?
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Seagate lost my hard drive / Netherlands
Seagate lost my hard drive
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The Chase Bliss Mystery Box unofficial shipping megathread
Google removes AI generated content related to authoritarianism
First single wall basket attempt - [Bambino plus] - spit at me!
In the supermarket, I keep finding fresh beans from local roasters
Trump Threatens Zelensky During Tense Live Meeting: 'Make A Deal Or We’re Out’
Gosh Dangit. How.
The best pillows EVER(for everything). [Discussion]
Kate Nash tells it like it is "I'm going to lose fifty thousand dollars to tour" - listen without prejudice.
Can someone tell me what's wrong ?
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A Look at the Normcore Blind Shakers
what is the lowest point in life and how did you overcome it and how are you doing afterwards?
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A shoe like this
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