Mirror Mirror On The Wall..Who’s The Meanest Girl Of Them All? 🪞
I miss Kenya Moore
How would you rank Hounds Of Love album?
Tell me, who’s the greatest rock band of all time?
Let’s be honest, y’all just wanna be binary
Which song do you think is Darker: Iowa by Slipknot, or Daddy by Korn
I can’t stand Kenya
Bands that got better when they abandoned their "classic" sound?
Let's talk about the husband
What’s your favourite song on Brand New Eyes?
marlo should have NEVER gotten a peach. it should’ve always been shamea.
What’s y’all’s favorite song off of the Iowa Album?
What is the ANGRIEST album ever?
Angriest Paramore song?
Boring 4ss season???
Paramore song of the week?
What is your opinion overall on Iowa by Slipknot?
What is your opinion of Paramore album Brand New Eyes?
Feeling Sorry appreciation thread
What are your top three seasons of RHOA?
What is your opinion on Kate Bush album The Dreaming?
What are the two most musically different albums in your 10s?
What do y'all consider the heaviest Slipknot song?
Finally finished listening to and ranking all of her albums, I absolutely recommend it even if you're a casual fan!
Riot! Appreciation post cause why not