Have you ever DEEPLY thought about why we are here?
Text from wife
.... Roger?
Epicurus was a God
I 22F, without a degree, and I am currently struggling for a job.
The Healer's Question
Where do you stand on the existence of a god or gods?
My favorite 40k quote. Pic Unrelated.
What is your opinion of average citizens who keep their heads down and try to survive under an authoritarian regime, providing neither active help nor opposition?
They don't need a warrant. they don't need to tell you "why". Save your protests for the judge.
Ice cream for Ants
Here's mine :D
Spotted at the Englewood Meijer today
What's stopping you to live at best?
How do you believe the world was created?
Who or what is God?
I have a romantic relationship with somebody I've only met in my mind
I practice within the Norse pagan tradition and borrow from Hinduism, and others. I feel like my third eye is closed again and I wish to open it again.
What’s a "harmless" opinion that will still get people mad?