New ranked season
Is everyone so sweaty?
Acrobatics + complete lack of knowing what I should do
The resemblance is uncanny.
Chat, is this real?
When all your eco bonuses are locked behind a paywall
I'm usually not the one to mald and loved it but..
DEVS please add these hotkeys, enabling better micro for us plebs
Pro Scouts right now
So has anyone else had an issue with griefers in solo teams? This guy was doing it for about 10 games.
Memes aside, I am actually excited for the new DLC
What civ is leaning most towards games like Stronghold/Anno.
Crusader DLC Estimate Release Date?
Your biggest MMORPG letdowns?
Trebs on keeps with DLC?
Made a Team Games Tier List for Platinum to Low Conqueror! DLC Is Around The Corner So One Last Tier List Video With Only 16 Civs!
Does AOE4 need a day and night cycle?
Remember guys, no French bonuses crossing over
Henry Tudor?
With all the discussion around the new DLC only having two variant civs, can we at least agree these variant civs are a lot more interesting than the previous ones?
Knights Templar should have different music than French
Is that the white tower?
What could be Knight Templar’s drawback?
Meanwhile on Steam Forum of AOE4
When you aren't good but you need to find a civ you can manage