I am fucking mad and sad
Give me a reason not to write ex!!!PLZ
Should I wish my ex happy birthday text?
Do Exes feel when you get better???!!
When was the moment you realized that you're over the breakup?
If you just broke up read this
Feeling I’m gonna die alone
My ex texted me and blocked me???
My ex wrote me and blocked me???
After the most recent breakup, what song did you play on repeat?
Finding new love again
Do I have right to talk to someone new?
Do women move on faster than men?
Just sex with ex
Need help identifying the vocalist behind this
How long should it stay on mild bleach hair?
Do dumpers with anxious+avoidant style always come back?
Need to hear happy endings
I have his location
What’s the funniest thing you ever did after a breakup?
What songs gets/got you thru your breakup ?
Jealous post
I'm dying really