I tried...
Boeing taking a lil snooze
If I ever go to scotland, I MUST meet these cows
Come up with headcanons about my OCs and I'll come up with some about yours
Strawberry Switchblade wojak
Formal kathy
Do you believe Canada will ACTUALLY be invaded?
This interesting vintage article I found, 1913
My attempt at a scene kid costume on Halloween 🙃
My mam’s journey from pop to punk - mid 1970s
Clint Walker — what a man!
Pointing chefs wojak
This music sample came from the last place I expected it to come from, and it was horrible
[any lit just no crazy op characters] You are at a resort. It's 5PM. Your OC comes across this lady looking tired (like in the photo), like she's going to bed already, what do they say?
When were your characters born? (Don't mind this old, nasty artwork)
Hi, I was given this kitten, can you help me with names? Please
How long would you say my hair is? Also, what texture would you say it is?
no not herobrine :c
The Star Spangled Banner In Chamorro 🇺🇸🇬🇺
Raffaella Carrà in the 1980s
Florida in the 1940s. Some nice kodachrome shots of everyday life in the 40s.
Couple of ladies from Zanzibar, Tanzania pose for a portrait in bright smiles, 1900s.
Any plane crash, both featured on the show or not, that has made you cry or get close to crying?
scariest death in the show?
I could have never predicted how dangerous the Scottish highlands are