Joined the club with a ‘25 Trail Boss!
Steps & Lights
How old were you when you got into deathcore and how old are you now?
Per Department of Education Press Release: 50% of Ed. Staff Just RIF'd
Uploading Forms to - NOT Using the PSLF Help Tool
Statements from Drake University Leadership on Iowa Removing Civil Rights Protections for Transgender People
Can someone please help explain this? I've seen 3 different vehicles around Denver with the same type of license plates...
We Might Have to “Shut Down the Country”
Goodbye, Camping Dog. She was 19 yrs old. Eulogy in comments.
Stumbled upon this legendary masterpiece last weekend
Checked out the international snow sculpture competition in Breckenridge. Pretty amazing stuff. This one was the winner.
It’s Dying Today - tobreak (music video)
Hot oil spill Biang Biang noodles
I started jfac with Andrew, Ravi, and Andy AMA.
First and last photos with my Dad
My turn for a sunrise photo
I just want a classic buffalo chicken pizza
Divorce Lawyer in Boulder who won't rip us off
Update on Franklin & his last dance with dad
Best Labor Lawyers, when DOL already decided in my favor?
Lost dachshund puppy Westminster
What is the most “Metal” line you’ve heard in a song?
Thanks to wife I will never unsee this
When The CBD Treat Hits Just Right
Are You in Need of Some Free Legal Advice? Pro Bono Day 2024 Event in Jeffco!