Suggest a nonfiction book for a person who usually doesn’t like nonfiction.
I’m curious. What do we think my life looks like based off my fridge?
A mating pair of deer led me to this skeleton; is it another deer?
Which 5 characters do you wish you had more time with?
Descent into madness, intense, perplexing, bleak
This is the biggest moth I’ve ever seen.
How old, and where do you think I live?
A moth on my moth tattoo
Around 6% of Americans believe they can defeat a grizzly bear in a hand-to-hand combat
Skier death at Keystone Resort - March 11
scallop ceviche
This is how I imagine Volga from Iron Gold.
Your top reads of the year so far?
Some mysteries/secrets in the air
My running partner went barefoot and didn’t want any of my 16 goos for our 5Kilom Ultra. Do I need a new one?
If Sevro doesn't...
Can anyone identify this? I found it in central Oklahoma
Aja Au grimmus and The Sovereign live action
$1000 Red rising book
Momma and baby bat update
Thrift found these first edition/first printings for $8 each, including a signed Light Bringer.
Fuck Roque fuck the bellonas fuck all the golds
Who’s got the worst service and food combo in Denver? And who’s got the best?
What fights do you want to see in the third trilogy?
whats your image?