Jill Scott or Erykah Badu
Summer Walker dating habits
How do we feel about the lineup?
HOBBY THREAD: Ladies post your hobbies and why you like them!
Living just feels depressing
Are we this obsessed with interracial dating
Providing a doctors note for my first time in my 7 year career.
I never knew so many people were anti-black, hated being black until I joined Reddit.
Why did I tell this woman she was pretty and she told people I was lesbian 😭
Managers really don’t care about us being sick…
My therapist kind of s*** shamed me yesterday.
A players wanted for B players comp
These past few weeks have really stressed me out. Hiring managers are asking for too much.
Has anyone had an unprofessional or uncomfortable interview experience for an HR role? [N/A]
Anyone got any happy love stories of their man loving them right from the first day all the way until now?
Update on r/blackladies (spoiler: we're not welcome)
Any women here have a love story in which your man treated you a hundred percent right from the very beginning?
Can we please talk about this man’s unusual skill 😭
How do I nicely send a recap of my yearly review for documenting purposes?
I hate myself due to my dating life… I’m not sure how to heal and find proper love. 29F
Ladies, do you have tips for living with a partner for the first time?
i'm sad
I needed this laugh.