Human Ada-1 (I know she was human before but this is like what if she was human now)
Human version of Savathûn [by me! :D]
I love her design so much I had to do some fan art
Henry of Rivia by me (My instagram:
The top of The Veil looks like a circular representation of a logarithmic map of the entire known universe
I'm sorry
We got a full view of The Veil [official concept art by Dima Goryainov]
The End of Lightfall: An insight into the Witness's Goals and the Nature of the Traveller
Human Oryx, I guess this is kind of a series now?
I'm gonna ask it to pay rent
One weapon to rule them all
Let me choose if I appear online on Bungie Friends
Please let us save loadouts and ornament sets in game
Someone had to do it
Me Titan Me Punch
r/dtg and r/destiylore this week
Do you have a flag?
Not OC but I thought it belonged here.
Crow must be protected (by me :D)
The Control experience
I legit screamed
Ikora sketch because I'm happy she's back!
Everyone in the Last City today:
When even your ghost criticizes your potato aim