It happened again! My Chromecast suddenly has the full YouTube app. This happened months ago, now again?? Any insights?
cursed_Welcome...You're welcome
Satisfying woodwork (not OC)
no YouTuber has ever sold food as merchandise
Using Kustoms KWGT, album art is not available
Trampoline performance art.
Thanks, I hate crochet baby.
I tracked every Euro I spent in the past few years. Here is a comparison of 2020 and 2019 [OC]
Finally cleaned up my HomeLab – just needs more screens now to look cool
Had this phone for 4 days... fell out of my pocket and this happened. 4 FREAKING DAYS!!!
Nvidia graphics card driver issues
Kid w/ rock vs bee hive
throwing a rock at a hive
This is an open sauna built into a container.
Got tired of waiting for a new blade to come.50/50 bi-metal/carbide 100% redneck.
I didn’t see anything wrong at first, then I zoomed in
Ignore Instructions, Windows smashed
Refusing to provide Registration and ID leading to windows smashed
Woman attacks man w 2x4
Official: Epic Seagate Giveaway
In 2014, An Ohio Man Was Decapitated After Striking A Cable Barrier With His Convertible Viper
That's a nice a shame if someone SMASHED INTO IT!
Playing with the cat, what could possibly go wrong?
Fuck you in particular, bruh
Fuck you, random citizen