Paid vs Unpaid work
How do people who have school aged kids survive with newborns?
Adolescence | Official Trailer | Netflix
What’s the dumbest way you’ve ever injured yourself?
I get Britney shaving her head
Is this normal for preschool? I’m about ready to pull my child out.
'Airy Fairy'
I'm not suicidal but I often feel like death will be a welcome break.
Parenting is not the hardest job
"Controlling behavior doesn't always look like someone telling you to your face you must/can't do something. Sometimes it's them making life so unpleasant when you don't meet their expectations that you start doing what they want "voluntarily."*****
Anyone had success with managing PMS?
How to ask people to watch their kids at a party?
I’m losing my empathetic nature the longer I work in public aid.
Having a difficult time getting my 7yo son outside and away from screens.
5 year old has the flu, stay at home mom with newborn
If your country had 3 capitals like South Africa witch citis you think would/should be?
Parents of older kids, what do you miss about having a 5/6 year old?
15 months and still sleeps in our room
Libido is.. libido-ing. Reappeared like a magic trick ✨️
Need Advice: My 10-Year-Old Wants to Wear Mascara, and I’m Feeling Unsure
AITA for dumping my boyfriend over his shitty Christmas present and drunken shenanigans?
The Genius of Philomena Cunk 👑✨
2 kids - 1 parent - international travel
Over stimulated