Haut mal raus, wann habt ihr zuletzt…
A programmer walked into a bar.
Neue Vorwürfe gegen TV-Moderatorin
This palace in berlin (demolished in 2006) was so advanced
Sehr kreativ diesmal. Aber ehrlich.
75 Ton rotator tow truck lifting a 60 Ton rotator tow truck lifting a 12 Ton tow truck. Pepe's Towing in LA.
Patch 1.3-- have nobody except for me picked up on this one??
Impfquote offenbar deutlich höher als vom RKI angegeben
Is The Left party the successor of the GDR CP?
New player, first play through. What should I know?
Looking for a good zone to go tonight in BERLIN!
Erwachsene Reddits zockt ihr noch?
Stadia is pretty good :-)
On vaccines, Tennessee Republicans move in a tragic direction
Got this one from a coworker the other day.
If you push over rental scooters and bikes, fuck you.
Which Uplay Plus game should I play first?
Just finished the game, here's why it rocks
Appliziere kaltes Wasser auf verbrannte Stelle (diese Werbeanzeige ist echt)
Warum lassen sich soziale Berufe so viel gefallen?
A movie I can show to my German class (14/15 year olds)
AITA for lying about being pregnant to my family to protect my husband?