Who Should You Really Focus In The Laning Stage? A 10k MMR Guide On Trading
Nobody groups for tormentor anymore
How come I lose communication score when I can't even communicate?
Hitting 10k for the first time doesn't get more satisfying than this
VIDEO: Random tree holes in the map making heroes stuck deciding games
Daily reminder behavior score is completely broken and needs to be adjusted.
People that go Veno Jungle to farm role queue tokens should be permanently banned from this game
I'm over these midlane dominators
Kez random turn after grapling claw cost the combo and game.
Valve needs to release a giant patch fix before they release any new content.
PSA if you alt control click rosh button it will say let's attack rosh in bot/top pit.
Funny how meta just revolves around Sven but better
I feel like neutral items lost a lot of their identity with 7.38
Fix invoker for the love of god
Nigma Played OD Mid And Showed Exactly Why Its A Shit Hero
Will we ever have a non tanky brawler meta again?
With friends like these, who needs enemies. (I swear I didn't do it on purpose.)
YOUR KING stands in TEXTURLESS JUNGLE, VALVE give SPRING CLEANING or I'll execute Aghanim The Wise!
Can they pls make outpost brighter, maybe fill the whole screen, who needs to see anything anyway /s
After yesterday's post, recycling option is removed.
Lotus and rosh banner "Drop in fountain" button is a scam, pls fix
Wex invoker aghs is it a joke? (upgrades tornado to form small twisters)
Provoke the Beast facet buff... why.
Beware! New phishing scam - they want you to "support" their work in Workshop!
the worst innate after patch 7.38